Sunday, July 20, 2014

#FGXpress will Convert your #facebook, #twitter and #google time into #Real Money Online, show you how?


C O M P A N Y   P R O F I L E
Forever Green Worldwide Corp – Stock (FVRG) recommended by Goldman Sachs (Top Financial research company in the USA)  . 

This is the only Online Company in the world w/ tangible products that are universally accepted and approved by FDA as class 1 Medical device and OTC.

FGXPRESS - Launched at Las Vegas on March 28, 2014 by CEO Ron WilliamsPresident of MLM International Association (2008) which is a governing body worldwide

From Mother Company Forever Green international For more info:(Utah, USA in 2004) started 10 yrs ago doing intensive research  leading product the POWER STRIP developed by Dr. Minsu Kim, PhD at the world renown Future Engineering Technology Institute. POWER STRIP is a Patented Fusion of Wave Energy and Ancient Herbs .


First MLM Company in history to have the following: THAT IS NEVER DONE IN ANY NETWORK MARKETING
1.     Dual FDA Approval as Class 1 Medical device and FDA for OTC

2.     62% Payout (Highest in Network Marketing history)

3.     Global Platform (Business in 190 countries day 1)

4 K E Y  P R O D U C T    I N G R E D I E N T S (100% natural)

1.     Germanium – Creates and reflects FAR INFRARED energy into the tissues w/c in turn causes an increase in heat, this heat release PAIN. Helps better Oxygen circulation  and nutrition to each cell.

2.     Silver IONS – Properties to remove toxins and bacteria.

3.     Korean Red Ginseng –  Known to be the most bioactive Ginseng in the plant kingdom. Contains 32 types of Saponins the active compound. Balance blood pressure, balance sugar level, helps mental clarity, improves sexual function, gives energy. Helps Medical Condition such as PAIN RELIEF, ANTI CANCER, ANTI STRESS, improve the IMMUNE SYSTEM and many others.

4.     Marine Phytoplankton – Source of 90% earth’s oxygen and natures source of complete nutrients. BOOST THE IMMUNE SYSTEM.

Comprehensive Product Knowledge see the link( PK)

                                    C O M P E N S A T I O N   P L A N
1.     Fast Start Bonus - 25% for 30 days for every new personally enrolled member (PEM)

2.     XTRIBE Bonus – Given every 4 weeks. $100 to $200 reaches 1000 points 1st two levels of your PEMs (100 points maximum each member)

3.     TEAM BONUS -  Given every week. 8 to 12% for every 500 points and above  that matches on both legs. (Max $20,000/weekly)

4.     Matching Bonus – Given every
ry week.  100% Total match (50% 1st level, 25% 2nd level, 15% 3rd level, 10% 4th level. (Unlimited income potential)

5.     Rank Advance Bonus –additional of  $500 to $25,000 each rank advance on top of other income.

 H O W   T O   S T A R T   A N D   D U P L I C A T E (30days )
1.     Signup (Click this)– Select one of the packages and you will get your two FGXpress personalized webpage like this 1.Standard (FGXpress Website )

2, License Professional website( FGXprss PRO)  plus your products will be deliver to you. ( Best courier in your country). Seamless.

Autoship – Just like monthly rental to your business but this time you have products. So no need to follow up all your down lines, the company will deliver the products on schedule date. see the link(Autoship) . Again Seamless.
3.     XTRIBE – Get at least 4 PEMs (Personally Enrolled Members) to make your Products  free plus bonuses. Simply share the products and the opportunity to all your Facebook friends, Google plus, KKK clubs, etc. You need at least 4 or more the better.

FGXPress will have great success either you will be part of it or not. Don’t miss one of the greatest opportunities in your life.

 DREAM BIG and realize your dreams.
Take it to the World before the World takes it to You. MAKE A DECISION NOW, WELCOME HOME.

For logistic and upline support pls email or PM me in facebook  at

Thank you for your decision and pls watch this video of Robert Kiyosaki  (Author Rich Dad poor Dad)

FGXpress is a company made by heart not just profit or money, it  uses entrepreneurial principles to organize, create, and manage a venture to make social change (Created KIVA anf Happy Childrens Foundation)